Friday, 14 December 2007

Being Hosts

We have just experienced our Russian month. November involved hosting two Russian colleagues at different times as well as going to Russia as we usually do at this time of year. The Russian women were studying here and were hosted by different people. When it came to our turn we chose the places we were going to take them as part of the cultural programme. For Lena, who loves singing, we went to an a cappella singing workshop directed by Una May Olomolaiye. At the first song Lena was so moved she cried as she had not experienced such joy and power before.

With Olga our last Russian guest the Choir Anita attends, also with Una May, were singing at an event. Having been away, Anita was not aware what the event was, but thought Olga would enjoy hearing the choir and Olga said that she wanted to go anyway. So Chris and Olga turned up to what turned out to be a celebration of a woman within the Black community. This celebration was called an “appreciation” of Jenny Solomon, who had been a Youth Director for the region. This was a really moving event. The Black community had turned up in force and included all ages. The evening involved poetry being read to Jenny, songs being sung to her and speeches being made about her. She was definitely the guest of honour and there was so much joy and positive recognition that we could not help but be affected by it. Our choir sang for her and the whole community joined in with gusto.

So why write about this? Well, I think it is pretty clear that appreciation is so important and while a whole evening in someone’s name may not always be possible or appropriate we could certainly do with more of it. We could also do with more of the joy that was present at this event. Yes, there was sadness too, and tears were shed by those who knew Jenny but there was such a feeling of warmth that it seemed okay whatever feelings were being expressed.

As for our Russian guest I think it was a bit overwhelming and way outside of her cultural experience – but one she will never forget.

So, at this time of year when joy is an expectation, how about taking some time to think how, in the coming year, you can appreciate those you know. In the white British culture we tend not to give recognition, even when we have it to give, but if we started to do it, and if it were genuine, we might actually put the “kind” back into human kind, and bring a bit of that joy that can be missing for many.