Friday, 18 June 2010

Walk Your Life

I was watching a programme on television which concerned the Rarámuri tribe in Mexico. They live on a high plateau 7.5 thousand metres above sea level with little interaction with those from the larger towns and cities. The programme was a profound example about how simplicity in living offers such a depth of insight that is often lost in our busy Western lives.

In the west we seem to value workaholic lifestyle and “go getting” which can often cloud what we really need to be doing. Instead we race around, often stressed and agitated about what’s not been done, or what we’ve got to do, rather than being in the moment. This means that we are getting to lose now, unlike the Rarámuri who live very much in the present. They have very little in terms of acquisitions and sometimes go hungry but yet have such spirit and existential trust. They support and care for each other and live with, rather than on the land.

One of the key members of the tribe in the programme advised the woman from the UK to “Walk your life”. For me this was the whole key to the Rarámuri’s way of living and is something most of us find difficulty in doing.

This philosophy “to walk your life” fits with the concept in Transactional Analysis that we call Physis. Physis is Greek and means the thrust of life itself.

 Do you “Walk Your Life”?
 What does this phrase mean for you?
 What would life be liked if you really walked it?
 How would your life change?
 How would you change?

My wish for you is that you “Walk Your Life”.

For coaching, coaching supervision, trainining and consultancy contact Mountain Associates: Our next Official Introduction to TA is on 7-9 September, 2010Book now and find out how to get closer to living your life today rather than for the past.